
detailed introduction about Apecoin

detailed introduction about Apecoin

detailed introduction about Apecoin
detailed introduction about Apecoin


ApeCoin (APE) is an ERC-20 utility and governance token for the APE ecosystem. It also builds a decentralized APE community on top of Web 3.0.

APE is hosted by ApeCoin DAO and supported by the APE Foundation. With APE, token holders can vote on DAO governance proposals and access special features of the APE ecosystem, such as games, events, and services.

Yoga Labs, the developer of the NXT Yacht Club (BAYC) Group, has adopted APE as the flagship mark for all new products and services.


Since its inception in April 2021, the Board Epitaph Club (BAYC) has become one of the most popular NFT groups. BASIC is known for having an active and dynamic community of supporters.

What is ApeCoin (APE)?

ApeCoin (APE) is a symbol of governance and interests in the APE ecosystem. This is a decentralized protocol layer that supports pre-web 3.0 APE community building.

APE is an ERC-20 token with a total supply of 1 billion tokens. This is done with control and community. ApeCoin DAO is a decentralized organization that allows all APE holders to vote on token governance decisions.

In addition, APE has been certified by Yoga Labs as the basic code for all new products and services. Yoga Labs Travel Board App Yat Club (BAYC) is the developer of the NFT Suite. It also has two other major NFT projects, Crypto Punks and Maybets IP.

How does APE work?

APE was designed to be used in the growing APE ecosystem. It is hosted by ApeCoin DAO and supported by the APE Foundation.

ApeCoin DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) for all APE token holders to participate in governance decisions. They can decide how to allocate ecosystem funds, how to set governance standards, select projects, partners, and so on. After voting on the DAO community's recommendations, the APE will lead the community-led government's decision.

The APE Foundation is the legal guardian of the DAO. It facilitates the creation and development of the APE ecosystem equitably and comprehensively. There is a special council called the council. It is the responsibility to enforce collective opinion. The board consists of 5 members of the tech and crypto community, including Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian. As a decentralized board, the original board members serve six months each year before the APE votes for new board members.

What is the APE ecosystem?

The APE ecosystem is owned by the ApeCoin community and includes all products and services used by APE.

Yoga Labs is a web 3 company known for developing yacht clubs and tablet apps. You will become a member of the ApeCoin DAO community and adopt APE as a token in new projects. At the launch of ApeCoin, the Board Aptite Club and Mutant Aptite Club holders of NFTs were entitled to claim 15% of the total supply of ApeCoin (1 out of 150 million tokens in 1 billion token offers).

Let's look at NFT clusters related to the APE ecosystem.

Epic Boat Club (BAYC).

Launched in April 2021, the Board Apparatus Club (BAYC) is the first NFT suite for the APE ecosystem. There are over 10,000 unique monkeys on the Ethereum blockchain. Each monkey has a unique and rare shape and style.

The Convertible Yacht Club (MAYC) is an NFT collection of 20,000 modified copies of the original BASIC Apes. Serum from the 10,000 mutants broadcast to the original BASIC NFT owners, consisted of three proprietary risk-increasing serum levels. With different serum levels, BASIC holders can make a variety of mutant monkeys. Each BASIC can produce only one change of one type of serum, and the serum disappears after use.

There was also a way to welcome many new members into the MAYC APE community. That is why in August 2021, after a sudden increase in mutant serum, 10,000 mutant monkeys were offered for sale to the public.

Board App Pet Club (BACC) app.

The Board App Canal Club (BAKC) is a collection of canine NFTs issued to each BASIC member. For each EPNFT-owned board, owners can "sign up" for free at the NFT Random Dog Club, simply by paying for gas. Like monkeys, the BAKC 10,000 NFTs have different characteristics and rare properties.

What can APE codes do?

ApeCoin tokens serve many purposes in the APE ecosystem. It allows its owners to participate in the ApeCoin DAO as a token of governance. APE members have access to special features of the APE ecosystem, including entertainment, business services, events, and services.

APE is also a tool for third-party developers to integrate into the APE ecosystem. They can add prox tokens to their services, games, and other projects. APE, for example, is used as a stimulant for players in Benji Banana, a mobile gaming game developed by the Animuka brands. Benji Banana offers a membership card ('Benji Pass'), an NFT that will allow its owners to receive special tokens while playing bungee, and also allow them to exchange ApeCoin tokens. Public chat room.

How to buy APE from Binance?

You can buy cryptocurrency exchanges on ApeCoin (APE) like Binance.

1. Log in to your Binance account and click [Trade]. Choose Classic or Advanced Trading Mode to get started.

2. Type "APE" in the search bar to see the business pair. We will use APE / BUSD for our example.

3. Go to the [Spot] field and enter the amount of APE you want to purchase. In this example, we will use a market order. Click [Buy APE] to confirm your order, and the purchased APE will be added to your online store.

final worlds

By adopting Yoga Labs as the first ApeCoin token, the community hopes to add more features to the token in the future. For example, feature stacking for APE HODLers for passive revenue, more gaming applications, or even collaboration with NFT Yuga Labs IPs.